Newspaper Activity

Using the information you have gathered from your investigation of the sources write a newspaper article about the gun running at Larne. You need to decide from which perspective you are going to write your article; Nationalist, Unionist or are you going to be objective?

Here are some top tips for planning and writing your newspaper article:

  • Have a look at a range of newspapers; broadsheet, tabloid and local (insert hyperlink to newseum website) What type of person is the newspaper aimed at? Are the lead stories positive, negative, relevant, important, silly, likely to create fear or disapproval or dislike of others?
  • Is your report going to be objective or subjective or a mixture of the two which includes facts and opinions?
  • Your headline needs to be attention grabbing
  • The headline should sum up the whole article in a few words
  • The first paragraph should précis the meaning of the whole article
  • The next few paragraphs should fill in some of the details
  • The end of the article can include witness evidence and quotes
  • Remember to illustrate your article

Complete the form below to create your newspaper article: